Mikrotik RouterOS自动备份和更新

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admin 自由达人 2024-08-01 22:47:11


获取 脚本并在文件开头配置其参数。

此步骤很简单,因为所有参数都有很好的注释。 重要!不要忘记提供正确的电子邮件地址以进行备份并注意scriptMode变量。

2. 创建新脚本

系统 -> 脚本 [添加]



# Script name: BackupAndUpdate
#----------SCRIPT INFORMATION---------------------------------------------------
# Script:  Mikrotik RouterOS automatic backup & update
# Version: 24.06.04
# Created: 07/08/2018
# Updated: 04/06/2024
# You can contact me by e-mail at tebiev@mail.com
# Minimum supported RouterOS version is v6.43.7
#----------MODIFY THIS SECTION AS NEEDED----------------------------------------
## Notification e-mail
## (Make sure you have configurated Email settings in Tools -> Email)
:local emailAddress "这里修改成你的邮箱地址xxxxx@qq.com";

## Script mode, possible values: backup, osupdate, osnotify.
# backup    -   Only backup will be performed. (default value, if none provided)
# osupdate  -   The script will install a new RouterOS version if it is available.
#               It will also create backups before and after update process (it does not matter what value `forceBackup` is set to)
#               Email will be sent only if a new RouterOS version is available.
#               Change parameter `forceBackup` if you need the script to create backups every time when it runs (even when no updates were found).
# osnotify  -   The script will send email notifications only (without backups) if a new RouterOS update is available.
#               Change parameter `forceBackup` if you need the script to create backups every time when it runs.
:local scriptMode "osupdate";

## Additional parameter if you set `scriptMode` to `osupdate` or `osnotify`
# Set `true` if you want the script to perform backup every time it's fired, whatever script mode is set.
:local forceBackup false;

## Backup encryption password, no encryption if no password.
:local backupPassword ""

## If true, passwords will be included in exported config.
:local sensitiveDataInConfig true;

## Update channel. Possible values: stable, long-term, testing, development
:local updateChannel "stable";

## Installs only patch versions of RouterOS updates.
## Works only if you set scriptMode to "osupdate"
## Means that new update will be installed only if MAJOR and MINOR version numbers remained the same as currently installed RouterOS.
## Example: v6.43.6 => major.minor.PATCH
## Script will send information if new version is greater than just patch.
:local installOnlyPatchUpdates false;

## If true, device public IP address information will be included into the email message
:local detectPublicIpAddress true;

## Allow anonymous statistics collection. (script mode, device model, OS version)
:local allowAnonymousStatisticsCollection true;


#Script messages prefix
:local SMP "Bkp&Upd:"

:log info "\r\n$SMP script \"Mikrotik RouterOS automatic backup & update\" started.";
:log info "$SMP Script Mode: $scriptMode, forceBackup: $forceBackup";

# Check email settings
:if ([:len $emailAddress] = 0) do={
    :log error ("$SMP \$emailAddress variable is empty. Script stopped.");
    :error "$SMP bye!";
:local emailServer ""
:do {
    :set emailServer [/tool e-mail get server];
} on-error={
    # Old of getting email server before the RouterOS v7.12
    :log info "$SMP Checking email server using old command `/tool e-mail get address`";
    :set emailServer [/tool e-mail get address];
:if ($emailServer = "") do={
    :log error ("$SMP Email server address is not correct, please check Tools -> Email. Script stopped.");
    :error "$SMP bye!";
:if ([:len [/tool e-mail get from]] = 0 or [/tool e-mail get from] = "<>") do={
    :log error ("$SMP Email configuration FROM address is not correct, please check Tools -> Email. Script stopped.");
    :error "$SMP bye!";

#Check if proper identity name is set
if ([:len [/system identity get name]] = 0 or [/system identity get name] = "MikroTik") do={
    :log warning ("$SMP Please set identity name of your device (System -> Identity), keep it short and informative.");

############### vvvvvvvvv GLOBALS vvvvvvvvv ###############
# Function converts standard mikrotik build versions to the number.
# Possible arguments: paramOsVer
# Example:
# :put [$buGlobalFuncGetOsVerNum paramOsVer=[/system routerboard get current-RouterOS]];
# Result will be: 64301, because current RouterOS version is: 6.43.1
:global buGlobalFuncGetOsVerNum do={
    :local osVer $paramOsVer;
    :local osVerNum;
    :local osVerMicroPart;
    :local zro 0;
    :local tmp;

    # Replace word `beta` with dot
    :local isBetaPos [:tonum [:find $osVer "beta" 0]];
    :if ($isBetaPos > 1) do={
        :set osVer ([:pick $osVer 0 $isBetaPos] . "." . [:pick $osVer ($isBetaPos + 4) [:len $osVer]]);
    # Replace word `rc` with dot
    :local isRcPos [:tonum [:find $osVer "rc" 0]];
    :if ($isRcPos > 1) do={
        :set osVer ([:pick $osVer 0 $isRcPos] . "." . [:pick $osVer ($isRcPos + 2) [:len $osVer]]);

    :local dotPos1 [:find $osVer "." 0];

    :if ($dotPos1 > 0) do={

        # AA
        :set osVerNum  [:pick $osVer 0 $dotPos1];

        :local dotPos2 [:find $osVer "." $dotPos1];
                #Taking minor version, everything after first dot
        :if ([:len $dotPos2] = 0) do={:set tmp [:pick $osVer ($dotPos1+1) [:len $osVer]];}
        #Taking minor version, everything between first and second dots
        :if ($dotPos2 > 0) do={:set tmp [:pick $osVer ($dotPos1+1) $dotPos2];}

        # AA 0B
        :if ([:len $tmp] = 1) do={:set osVerNum "$osVerNum$zro$tmp";}
        # AA BB
        :if ([:len $tmp] = 2) do={:set osVerNum "$osVerNum$tmp";}

        :if ($dotPos2 > 0) do={
            :set tmp [:pick $osVer ($dotPos2+1) [:len $osVer]];
            # AA BB 0C
            :if ([:len $tmp] = 1) do={:set osVerNum "$osVerNum$zro$tmp";}
            # AA BB CC
            :if ([:len $tmp] = 2) do={:set osVerNum "$osVerNum$tmp";}
        } else={
            # AA BB 00
            :set osVerNum "$osVerNum$zro$zro";
    } else={
        # AA 00 00
        :set osVerNum "$osVer$zro$zro$zro$zro";

    :return $osVerNum;

# Function creates backups (system and config) and returns array with names
# Possible arguments:
#    `backupName`               | string    | backup file name, without extension!
#    `backupPassword`           | string    |
#    `sensitiveDataInConfig`    | boolean   |
# Example:
# :put [$buGlobalFuncCreateBackups name="daily-backup"];
:global buGlobalFuncCreateBackups do={
    :log info ("$SMP Global function \"buGlobalFuncCreateBackups\" was fired.");

    :local backupFileSys "$backupName.backup";
    :local backupFileConfig "$backupName.rsc";
    :local backupNames {$backupFileSys;$backupFileConfig};

    ## Make system backup
    :if ([:len $backupPassword] = 0) do={
        /system backup save dont-encrypt=yes name=$backupName;
    } else={
        /system backup save password=$backupPassword name=$backupName;
    :log info ("$SMP System backup created. $backupFileSys");

    ## Export config file
    :if ($sensitiveDataInConfig = true) do={
        # Since RouterOS v7 it needs to be explicitly set that we want to export sensitive data
        :if ([:pick [/system package update get installed-version] 0 1] < 7) do={
            :execute "/export compact terse file=$backupName";
        } else={
            :execute "/export compact show-sensitive terse file=$backupName";
    } else={
        /export compact hide-sensitive terse file=$backupName;
    :log info ("$SMP Config file was exported. $backupFileConfig, the script execution will be paused for a moment.");

    #Delay after creating backups
    :delay 20s;
    :return $backupNames;

:global buGlobalVarUpdateStep;
############### ^^^^^^^^^ GLOBALS ^^^^^^^^^ ###############

:local scriptVersion "23.11.25";

# Current time `hh-mm-ss`
:local currentTime ([:pick [/system clock get time] 0 2] . "-" . [:pick [/system clock get time] 3 5] . "-" . [:pick [/system clock get time] 6 8]);

:local currentDateTime ("-" . $currentTime);

# Detect old date format, Example: `nov/11/2023`
:if ([:len [:tonum [:pick [/system clock get date] 0 1]]] = 0) do={
    :set currentDateTime ([:pick [/system clock get date] 7 11] . [:pick [/system clock get date] 0 3] . [:pick [/system clock get date] 4 6] . "-" . $currentTime);
} else={
    # New date format, Example: `2023-11-11`
    :set currentDateTime ([/system clock get date] . "-" . $currentTime);

:local isSoftBased false;
:if ([:pick [/system resource get board-name] 0 3] = "CHR" or [:pick [/system resource get board-name] 0 3] = "x86") do={
    :set isSoftBased true;

:local deviceOsVerInst          [/system package update get installed-version];
:local deviceOsVerInstNum       [$buGlobalFuncGetOsVerNum paramOsVer=$deviceOsVerInst];
:local deviceOsVerAvail         "";
:local deviceOsVerAvailNum      0;
:local deviceIdentityName       [/system identity get name];
:local deviceIdentityNameShort  [:pick $deviceIdentityName 0 18]
:local deviceUpdateChannel      [/system package update get channel];

:local deviceRbModel            "CloudHostedRouter";
:local deviceRbSerialNumber     "--";
:local deviceRbCurrentFw        "--";
:local deviceRbUpgradeFw        "--";

:if ($isSoftBased = false) do={
    :set deviceRbModel          [/system routerboard get model];
    :set deviceRbSerialNumber   [/system routerboard get serial-number];
    :set deviceRbCurrentFw      [/system routerboard get current-firmware];
    :set deviceRbUpgradeFw      [/system routerboard get upgrade-firmware];

:local isOsUpdateAvailable false;
:local isOsNeedsToBeUpdated false;

:local isSendEmailRequired true;

:local mailSubject  "$SMP Device - $deviceIdentityNameShort.";
:local mailBody     "";

:local mailBodyDeviceInfo   "\r\n\r\nDevice information: \r\nIdentity: $deviceIdentityName \r\nModel: $deviceRbModel \r\nSerial number: $deviceRbSerialNumber \r\nCurrent RouterOS: $deviceOsVerInst ($[/system package update get channel]) $[/system resource get build-time] \r\nCurrent routerboard FW: $deviceRbCurrentFw \r\nDevice uptime: $[/system resource get uptime]";
:local mailBodyCopyright    "\r\n\r\nMikrotik RouterOS automatic backup & update (ver. $scriptVersion) \r\nhttps://github.com/beeyev/Mikrotik-RouterOS-automatic-backup-and-update";
:local changelogUrl         ("Check RouterOS changelog: https://mikrotik.com/download/changelogs/" . $updateChannel . "-release-tree");

:local backupName           "v$deviceOsVerInst_$deviceUpdateChannel_$currentDateTime";
:local backupNameBeforeUpd  "backup_before_update_$backupName";
:local backupNameAfterUpd   "backup_after_update_$backupName";

:local backupNameFinal  $backupName;
:local mailAttachments  [:toarray ""];

:local ipAddressDetectServiceDefault "https://ipv4.mikrotik.ovh/"
:local ipAddressDetectServiceFallback "https://api.ipify.org/"
:local publicIpAddress "not detected";
:local telemetryDataQuery "";

:local updateStep $buGlobalVarUpdateStep;
:do {/system script environment remove buGlobalVarUpdateStep;} on-error={}
:if ([:len $updateStep] = 0) do={
    :set updateStep 1;

## IP address detection & anonymous statistics collection
:if ($updateStep = 1 or $updateStep = 3) do={
    :if ($updateStep = 3) do={
        :log info ("$SMP Waiting for one minute before continuing to the final step.");
        :delay 1m;

    :if ($detectPublicIpAddress = true or $allowAnonymousStatisticsCollection = true) do={
        :if ($allowAnonymousStatisticsCollection = true) do={
            :set telemetryDataQuery ("\?mode=" . $scriptMode . "&osver=" . $deviceOsVerInst . "&model=" . $deviceRbModel);

        :do {:set publicIpAddress ([/tool fetch http-method="get" url=($ipAddressDetectServiceDefault . $telemetryDataQuery) output=user as-value]->"data");} on-error={

            :if ($detectPublicIpAddress = true) do={
                :log warning "$SMP Could not detect public IP address using default detection service."
                :log warning "$SMP Trying to detect public ip using fallback detection service."

                :do {:set publicIpAddress ([/tool fetch http-method="get" url=$ipAddressDetectServiceFallback output=user as-value]->"data");} on-error={
                    :log warning "$SMP Could not detect public IP address using fallback detection service."

        :if ($detectPublicIpAddress = true) do={
            # Always truncate the string for safety measures
            :set publicIpAddress ([:pick $publicIpAddress 0 15])
            :set mailBodyDeviceInfo ($mailBodyDeviceInfo . "\r\nPublic IP address: " . $publicIpAddress);

## STEP ONE: Creating backups, checking for new RouterOs version and sending email with backups,
## Steps 2 and 3 are fired only if script is set to automatically update device and if a new RouterOs version is available.
:if ($updateStep = 1) do={
    :log info ("$SMP Performing the first step.");

    # Checking for new RouterOS version
    if ($scriptMode = "osupdate" or $scriptMode = "osnotify") do={
        log info ("$SMP Checking for new RouterOS version. Current version is: $deviceOsVerInst");
        /system package update set channel=$updateChannel;
        /system package update check-for-updates;
        :delay 5s;
        :set deviceOsVerAvail [/system package update get latest-version];

        # If there is a problem getting information about available RouterOS versions from server
        :if ([:len $deviceOsVerAvail] = 0) do={
            :log warning ("$SMP There is a problem getting information about new RouterOS from server.");
            :set mailSubject    ($mailSubject . " Error: No data about new RouterOS!")
            :set mailBody         ($mailBody . "Error occured! \r\nMikrotik couldn't get any information about new RouterOS from server! \r\nWatch additional information in device logs.")
        } else={
            #Get numeric version of OS
            :set deviceOsVerAvailNum [$buGlobalFuncGetOsVerNum paramOsVer=$deviceOsVerAvail];

            # Checking if OS on server is greater than installed one.
            :if ($deviceOsVerAvailNum > $deviceOsVerInstNum) do={
                :set isOsUpdateAvailable true;
                :log info ("$SMP New RouterOS is available! $deviceOsVerAvail");
            } else={
                :set isSendEmailRequired false;
                :log info ("$SMP System is already up to date.");
                :set mailSubject ($mailSubject . " No new OS updates.");
                :set mailBody      ($mailBody . "Your system is up to date.");
    } else={
        :set scriptMode "backup";

    if ($forceBackup = true) do={
        # In this case the script will always send an email, because it has to create backups
        :set isSendEmailRequired true;

    # If a new OS version is available to install
    if ($isOsUpdateAvailable = true and $isSendEmailRequired = true) do={
        # If we only need to notify about a new available version
        if ($scriptMode = "osnotify") do={
            :set mailSubject    ($mailSubject . " New RouterOS is available! v.$deviceOsVerAvail.")
            :set mailBody       ($mailBody . "New RouterOS version is available to install: v.$deviceOsVerAvail ($updateChannel) \r\n$changelogUrl")

        # If we need to initiate RouterOS update process
        if ($scriptMode = "osupdate") do={
            :set isOsNeedsToBeUpdated true;
            # If we need to install only patch updates
            :if ($installOnlyPatchUpdates = true) do={
                #Check if Major and Minor builds are the same.
                :if ([:pick $deviceOsVerInstNum 0 ([:len $deviceOsVerInstNum]-2)] = [:pick $deviceOsVerAvailNum 0 ([:len $deviceOsVerAvailNum]-2)]) do={
                    :log info ("$SMP New patch version of RouterOS firmware is available.");
                } else={
                    :log info           ("$SMP New major or minor version of RouterOS firmware is available. You need to update it manually.");
                    :set mailSubject    ($mailSubject . " New RouterOS: v.$deviceOsVerAvail needs to be installed manually.");
                    :set mailBody       ($mailBody . "New major or minor RouterOS version is available to install: v.$deviceOsVerAvail ($updateChannel). \r\nYou chose to automatically install only patch updates, so this major update you need to install manually. \r\n$changelogUrl");
                    :set isOsNeedsToBeUpdated false;

            #Check again, because this variable could be changed during checking for installing only patch updats
            if ($isOsNeedsToBeUpdated = true) do={
                :log info           ("$SMP New RouterOS is going to be installed! v.$deviceOsVerInst -> v.$deviceOsVerAvail");
                :set mailSubject    ($mailSubject . " New RouterOS is going to be installed! v.$deviceOsVerInst -> v.$deviceOsVerAvail.");
                :set mailBody       ($mailBody . "Your Mikrotik will be updated to the new RouterOS version from v.$deviceOsVerInst to v.$deviceOsVerAvail (Update channel: $updateChannel) \r\nA final report with detailed information will be sent once the update process is completed. \r\nIf you do not receive a second email within the next 10 minutes, there may be an issue. Please check your device logs for further information.");
                #!! There is more code connected to this part and first step at the end of the script.


    ## Checking If the script needs to create a backup
    :log info ("$SMP Checking If the script needs to create a backup.");
    if ($forceBackup = true or $scriptMode = "backup" or $isOsNeedsToBeUpdated = true) do={
        :log info ("$SMP Creating system backups.");
        if ($isOsNeedsToBeUpdated = true) do={
            :set backupNameFinal $backupNameBeforeUpd;
        if ($scriptMode != "backup") do={
            :set mailBody ($mailBody . "\r\n\r\n");

        :set mailSubject    ($mailSubject . " Backup was created.");
        :set mailBody       ($mailBody . "System backups were created and attached to this email.");

        :set mailAttachments [$buGlobalFuncCreateBackups backupName=$backupNameFinal backupPassword=$backupPassword sensitiveDataInConfig=$sensitiveDataInConfig];
    } else={
        :log info ("$SMP Creating a backup is not necessary.");

    # Combine first step email
    :set mailBody ($mailBody . $mailBodyDeviceInfo . $mailBodyCopyright);

## STEP TWO: (after first reboot) routerboard firmware upgrade
## Steps 2 and 3 are fired only if script is set to automatically update device and if new RouterOs is available.
:if ($updateStep = 2) do={
    :log info ("$SMP Performing the second step.");
    ## RouterOS is the latest, let's check for upgraded routerboard firmware
    if ($deviceRbCurrentFw != $deviceRbUpgradeFw) do={
        :set isSendEmailRequired false;
        :delay 10s;
        :log info "$SMP Upgrading routerboard firmware from v.$deviceRbCurrentFw to v.$deviceRbUpgradeFw";
        ## Start the upgrading process
        /system routerboard upgrade;
        ## Wait until the upgrade is completed
        :delay 5s;
        :log info "$SMP routerboard upgrade process was completed, going to reboot in a moment!";
        ## Set scheduled task to send final report on the next boot, task will be deleted when it is done. (That is why you should keep original script name)
        /system scheduler add name=BKPUPD-FINAL-REPORT-ON-NEXT-BOOT on-event=":delay 5s; /system scheduler remove BKPUPD-FINAL-REPORT-ON-NEXT-BOOT; :global buGlobalVarUpdateStep 3; :delay 10s; /system script run BackupAndUpdate;" start-time=startup interval=0;
        ## Reboot system to boot with new firmware
        /system reboot;
    } else={
        :log info "$SMP It appears that your routerboard is already up to date, skipping this step.";
        :set updateStep 3;

## STEP THREE: Last step (after second reboot) sending final report
## Steps 2 and 3 are fired only if script is set to automatically update device and if new RouterOs is available.
## This step is executed after some delay
:if ($updateStep = 3) do={
    :log info ("$SMP Performing the third step.");
    :log info "Bkp&Upd: RouterOS and routerboard upgrade process was completed. New RouterOS version: v.$deviceOsVerInst, routerboard firmware: v.$deviceRbCurrentFw.";
    ## Small delay in case mikrotik needs some time to initialize connections
    :log info "$SMP Sending the final email with report and backups.";
    :set mailSubject    ($mailSubject . " RouterOS Upgrade is completed, new version: v.$deviceOsVerInst!");
    :set mailBody       "RouterOS and routerboard upgrade process was completed. \r\nNew RouterOS version: v.$deviceOsVerInst, routerboard firmware: v.$deviceRbCurrentFw. \r\n$changelogUrl \r\n\r\nBackups of the upgraded system are in the attachment of this email.  $mailBodyDeviceInfo $mailBodyCopyright";
    :set mailAttachments [$buGlobalFuncCreateBackups backupName=$backupNameAfterUpd backupPassword=$backupPassword sensitiveDataInConfig=$sensitiveDataInConfig];

# Remove functions from global environment to keep it fresh and clean.
:do {/system script environment remove buGlobalFuncGetOsVerNum;} on-error={}
:do {/system script environment remove buGlobalFuncCreateBackups;} on-error={}

# Trying to send email with backups as attachments.

:if ($isSendEmailRequired = true) do={
    :log info "$SMP Dispatching email message; estimated completion within 30 seconds.";
    :do {/tool e-mail send to=$emailAddress subject=$mailSubject body=$mailBody file=$mailAttachments;} on-error={
        :delay 5s;
        :log error "$SMP could not send email message ($[/tool e-mail get last-status]). Will attempt redelivery shortly."

        :delay 5m;

        :do {/tool e-mail send to=$emailAddress subject=$mailSubject body=$mailBody file=$mailAttachments;} on-error={
            :delay 5s;
            :log error "$SMP failed to send email message ($[/tool e-mail get last-status]) for the second time."

            if ($isOsNeedsToBeUpdated = true) do={
                :set isOsNeedsToBeUpdated false;
                :log warning "$SMP script is not going to initialise update process due to inability to send backups to email."

    :delay 30s;

    :if ([:len $mailAttachments] > 0 and [/tool e-mail get last-status] = "succeeded") do={
        :log info "$SMP File system cleanup."
        /file remove $mailAttachments;
        :delay 2s;


# Fire RouterOS update process
if ($isOsNeedsToBeUpdated = true) do={

    :if ($isSoftBased = false) do={
        ## Set scheduled task to upgrade routerboard firmware on the next boot, task will be deleted when upgrade is done. (That is why you should keep original script name)
        /system scheduler add name=BKPUPD-UPGRADE-ON-NEXT-BOOT on-event=":delay 5s; /system scheduler remove BKPUPD-UPGRADE-ON-NEXT-BOOT; :global buGlobalVarUpdateStep 2; :delay 10s; /system script run BackupAndUpdate;" start-time=startup interval=0;
    } else= {
        ## If the script is executed on CHR, step 2 will be skipped
        /system scheduler add name=BKPUPD-UPGRADE-ON-NEXT-BOOT on-event=":delay 5s; /system scheduler remove BKPUPD-UPGRADE-ON-NEXT-BOOT; :global buGlobalVarUpdateStep 3; :delay 10s; /system script run BackupAndUpdate;" start-time=startup interval=0;

    :log info "$SMP everything is ready to install new RouterOS, going to reboot in a moment!"
    ## Command is reincarnation of the "upgrade" command - doing exactly the same but under a different name
    /system package update install;

:log info "$SMP script \"Mikrotik RouterOS automatic backup & update\" completed it's job.\r\n";


工具 -> 电子邮件



/tool e-mail send to="这里修改成你的邮箱地址@qq.com" subject="backup & update test!" body="It works!";


系统 -> 调度程序 [添加]

名称:Backup And Update

开始时间:(03:10:00链中所有 mikrotik 设备的开始时间必须不同)

间隔:1d 00:00:00

事件发生时:/system script run BackupAndUpdate;


/system scheduler add name="Firmware Updater" on-event="/system script run BackupAndUpdate;" start-time=03:10:00 interval=1d comment="" disabled=no


一切设置完成后,验证脚本是否正常运行非常重要。为此,请在 WinBox 中打开一个新终端和一个日志窗口,然后通过

/system script run BackupAndUpdate

在终端中键入内容手动执行脚本。您将在日志窗口中看到脚本的操作。如果脚本完成且没有任何错误,请检查您的电子邮件。您将收到一条新消息,其中包含来自 MikroTik 的备份。

本文章最后由 admin2024-08-01 22:56 编辑